Tuesday, August 17, 2021


With change in time, nutrition demands also change. 2020-21 is full of ups and downs. Bodybuilders in these years need extra supplements. Apart from protein and mass gainer they must take multivitamins. Already bodybuilding and workout is strenuous plus the pandemic of 2020, together the exertion on bodybuilders is a lot, and multis are the best way to manage these issues.

The U.S has become the leading market of health care products in 2020. Vitamins, especially, dominated the market in 2020 accounting to 31.4% of total supplement share.


Bodybuilding is more than a sport. It is a culture, and opting for the best multivitamin for bodybuilding is the highway to reach fitness end. Earlier, bodybuilders excluded multis from their diet. As a result they faced various deficiencies.

Lately, as realization dawned bodybuilders, they have started pairing micro and macro nutrient supplements together. Researchers have depicted that women bodybuilders specifically had a lower level of vitamin E, vitamin K, and protein. Hence, experts started recommending a wholesome supplementation, and now the demand for the best multivitamin for bodybuilding has soared high. Multivitamins provide you a bit of everything such as energy, calorie, carbs, immunity, and growth. They are necessary for every gym goer in today’s time. You can avail multis in the form of tablets and capsules. Also, they are cost effective so you get good health by spending few dollars only. In fact tablets lead the market and are seen to account for 34.2% share of the global revenue in 2020. Amongst all countries, North America has emerged as the leading regional market with a revenue share of 35.7% in 2020 for low- calorie and more nutritional value kind of dietary supplements such as multivitamins. Keeping these figures in mind let us see which bodybuilding multivitamins are crucial in 2021.



To choose the best multivitamin for bodybuilders in 2021, take a note of the following:

Iron: Iron is the strongest mineral, indeed. Iron is good for rapid muscle growth. In general iron deficiency can cause anaemia, fatigue, impair muscles, and limit the muscle capacity. Bodybuilders must avoid these health issues, for which iron supplementation is must. It ups your athletic performance and combats deficiencies.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D, the best multivitamin for bodybuilding is initially gained through sunlight. Since, sunbath is not opted by much Americans now, hence, supplementation becomes the easy way out. Vitamin D makes your bone healthy, and support protein synthesis. As a result it strengthens your body. , Vitamin D also promotes nutrient absorption. It manages mood balance, and insulin level.

A tip for bodybuilders: Pair up vitamin D3 with vitamin K2. Vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium, and vitamin K directs this calcium to bones.

Vitamin Bs

There are eight B vitamins, each with its own importance for bodybuilders. Vitamin B12, for instance, helps in production of red blood cells. Thereby, it delivers oxygen to the muscles. This makes vitamin B12 important for muscle growth. Usually vegans are at a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Hence they must surely take B12 supplements. Similarly vitamin B3 also helps in bodybuilding. It is also known as Niacin. Vitamin B3 immensely supports muscle growth. It pumps your muscle mass and is therefore the best multivitamin for bodybuilding. Vitamin B12 also promotes glucose metabolism. It increases good cholesterol and healthy hormone production. Vitamin B6 is also recommended for bodybuilders. It helps in muscle repair and promotes red blood cell production.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been associated with slowing down the aging process.  But do you know that it also scavenges free radicals and helps flush out metabolic waste? Right, it does, which is why vitamin E is important for bodybuilders. Exercise creates oxidative stress. But with vitamin E supplementation you can undo the damage. 


Vitamin A

The unparallel benefits of vitamin A make it the best multivitamin for bodybuilding. Vitamin A supports protein synthesis. It also helps in the creation of glycogen. Vitamin A fights free radicals thereby rendering strong bones.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is globally known as the best immunity booster. Vitamin C supports immune function. It also boosts antioxidant levels. Vitamin C also helps to repair damaged tissues. Citrus fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C. But if you fail to get citric rich diet, then opt for vitamin C supplements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are usually found in fish oil. These fats influence your exercise performance. Omega 3 fatty acid boosts the nutritional response of skeletal muscle. It also reduces post-exercise muscle soreness. Omega-3 acids also speed up muscle recovery post workout. Omega 3 fatty acids boost muscle growth. Add to that, these fats support cardiovascular, eyes, joint, brain, and skin health. Fish oil is the most convenient source to gain omega acids.



§  Folate or Folic Acid

Last on the list of the best multivitamin for bodybuilding is folic acid aka folate. It is just another name for vitamin B9. Folic acid is the synthetic version of vitamin B9. Folate works as the key ingredient for muscle growth. Folate is a co factor like vitamin B12 in energy production, rebuilding and repairing of muscle tissues. Physically active people must definitely take folate.  They will witness muscle growth and synthesis of new cells. Folate will also repair damaged cells and tissues due to workout.



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