Thursday, February 11, 2021



Muscle growth is a strenuous task, the perquisites of which are four:



Nutritious diet,

Health supplements

The focus of today’s blog is on the last notion, that is, supplements. Health supplements are crucial for muscle growth. They balance the nutritional content which restrictive diet cannot. Amongst all the supplements, best proteins for muscle growth products are of prime concern because protein is the chief manager of muscle synthesis.


The best protein for muscle growth supplements offer amplitude of benefits such as:

Reduces Appetite: The foremost perk of protein supplements is that it reduces your appetite by being fulfilling in nature. Protein supplements contain three important macronutrients — fats, carbs, and protein. Protein keeps you full for long time and control your hunger pangs. It is recommended for muscle gainers to replace their carbs and fats with protein.

Increases Muscle Mass: Next, the best protein for muscle growth products aid muscle strength and muscle synthesis. Protein is the building block of your muscles. Consuming adequate amounts of protein will help you to maintain your muscle mass and promote muscle growth when you do strength training. There are various studies depicting that eating of plenty of protein can help to increase muscle mass and strength  especially if you are physically active, lift weights, or try to gain muscle.


Good for Your Bones: In addition to muscle growth, protein supplements also strengthen your muscles. Various experiments have been conducted to understand the effect of protein on bones, and it’s positive. Protein supplements maintain bone mass especially in older people and reduce osteoporosis.

Boosts Metabolism: The best protein for muscle growth helps a lot in maintaining your body metabolism. Our body uses calories for metabolism. Protein helps the body to choose fat for metabolism instead of carbs. It significantly boosts metabolism and increases the number of fats you burn.

Helps Maintain Weight Loss: Muscle growers have a thing for their bodyweight and physique. Best protein for muscle growth boosts metabolism and leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake. Many consumers of protein agree a healthy weight loss. Protein supplements also have benefits for fat loss during intentional calorie restriction. Hence, for best results take protein supplements with exercise.

Does Not Harm Healthy Kidneys: The best part of all protein supplements is that it is absolutely safe for one’s kidneys. There is a misconception that a high protein intake can harm your kidneys, and to some level it is true. You see, restricting protein intake can benefit people with pre-existing kidney disease, and kidney problems should not be taken seriously. The point to be noted in this regard is that while high protein intake can harm individuals with kidney problems, it has no harmful impact to people with healthy kidneys. So, yes protein supplementation for muscle growth is free of harm.

Helps Your Body to Repair Itself After Injury: Muscle growth via exercise and weight lifting increases the risk of injuries. In this context, protein supplementation is beneficial. Protein can easily help your body to repair after it has been injured, after all proteins are the main building blocks of our tissues and organs. There are mounting studies that demonstrate that eating more protein after injury can help to speed up recovery after any sort of injury has occurred.

Helps You Stay Fit as You Age: Last perk of protein for muscle growth products is that it controls gradual muscle breakdown, a consequence of aging. The most cases of muscle ruptures are related to sarcopenia. It is one of the main causes of frailty, bone fractures, and can lead to reduced quality of life among older. In this scenario, eating more protein is one of the best ways to decrease age-related muscle deterioration.


Thursday, February 4, 2021



Are you planning to buy supplements online? If yes, then you need to do it right. There are tons of supplements present in the market today. You must check your lifestyle, nutrient deficiencies, and body requirements to choose the important supplements. This blog brings in forefront certain important supplements that are mandatory for nearly everyone.




Scroll below and know the best way to buy supplements online, or should I say the best products to be bought.

Fish oil: Topping the list is fish oil. It is one of the key products that offer long chain omega 3 fats (found naturally in oily fish). There is enough evidence depicting that omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for a healthy heart and brain. Fish oil plays a significant role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. It offers the most important of all omega 3 fatty acids, that is, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). For best results chose a fish oil that has a high concentration of EPA and DHA, along with purity and sustainability certifications."

Probiotics: Do consider probiotic when you buy supplements online. It is actually a 'good' bacteria that lines our digestive tracts and also supports the body's ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Consuming probiotic supplements is a good way to ensure your gut health. Various researches show that the health of our gut directly affects our immune system. Taking a daily probiotic can be a simple way to help keep your gut healthy and strengthen the immune system. Probiotics is now available in the form of capsules, drinks, and powders. In fact, there are delicious probiotic curds available online now. It is good to consume probiotic supplements especially if you are taking a course of antibiotics. Probiotics also support immunity, various process of digestion, and even helps to regulate weight and balance hormones.

Vitamin D: The next best health supplement is vitamin D. It is crucial for strong bones, muscular and overall health. Vitamin D, you should know, is a fat soluble nutrient and is also one of the 24 micronutrients important for human survival. There is a spike in the rates of vitamin D deficiency and therefore, supplementation is encouraged. Although the primary source of vitamin D is sunlight but due to various constraints such as busy schedule, living in colder region, and the fear of tanned skin, people find it better to resort to vitamin D supplementation.

Magnesium: Next supplement to consider when you buy supplements online is magnesium. It is a nutrient playing an important role in hundreds of enzymatic bodily reactions, such as metabolising food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, as well as transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium works best when taken in the evening for it offers a better night's sleep and manages stress levels.

Protein: Protein, being the building block of human body, is an important nutrient. Although protein is necessary for everyone yet it is specially required by athletes, those who have an intense training regime. Protein is also helpful in muscle gain and fat loss, after all it is the king of nutrients. Various scientific research prove that protein helps in weight loss by boosting metabolism and it also reduces hunger and appetite. Whey protein is therefore the ideal health product.



Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Multivitamins are a combination of vitamins and minerals. They are manufactured as per customer’s needs. Some multis combat deficiencies, others are used as energy boosters, while some specifically cater to bodybuilding. The best multivitamins for bodybuilding are crafted keeping the requirements and lifestyle of bodybuilders in mind. 


In the context to physique and fitness, there is a long- driven list of the best multivitamins for bodybuilding that includes:

Calcium: Calcium is an important mineral of all the multivitamins. It is crucial for strong bones and teeth, and also vital for muscle contraction as well as energy metabolism. Various studies have also shown that a lack of calcium can trigger the release of calcitrol, which is a hormone that leads to storing fat.

Biotin: Biotin plays a vital role in converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. 

Iron: Iron is a definite part of all the best multivitamins for bodybuilding. It forms part of haemoglobin, the pigment that helps in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. Iron is also essential for maintaining high energy levels, and strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential not only for bodybuilders but for each one of us, since it is the most powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps to metabolise carbs for fuel and also protects the body from exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vitamin C increases the body’s power to absorb iron and protect it against energy-sapping infections.

Vitamin D: Going alphabetically, next important bodybuilding vitamin is vitamin D. It helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which further combats muscle contractions, and aids the synthesis of ATP, the useable form of energy in the body.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B is a big family of various B vitamin members. Amongst them, vitamin B12 is very important. It plays a crucial role in forming red blood cells and converting food into energy. Vitamin D also ensures that the brain and muscles communicate efficiently. This communication further affects muscle growth and muscle co-ordination.

Copper: Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the human body. The mineral copper helps to protect the cardiovascular, nervous as well as skeletal system. Furthermore, copper also strengthens the tendons needed to lift weights. So yes, a multivitamin rich in copper is must for bodybuilders.

Magnesium: Found in various bodybuilding multivitamins, magnesium plays is a vital mineral. It plays an essential part in muscle contraction and aids a boost in your energy levels. Magnesium can also help bodybuilders to reduce fatigue and muscle cramps.

Riboflavin: Iboflavin is just another name given to Also known as vitamin B2. It aids the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates and fat, which are further transformed into energy. Riboflavin also supports the antioxidants in the body.


In addition to the best multivitamins for bodybuilding, there are certain protein supplements also which help in building body such as:

Protein energy vanilla latte: This vanilla flavoured protein supplement is available at $23.90 on It is perfect for oxidation process for being rich in vitamin E, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Optimum nutrition essential amino energy– iced mocha cappuccino: Grab this delicious mocha cappuccino on at just $19.43. It helps in muscle synthesis and boosting energy.

Essential amino energy – iced cafe vanilla: The ON iced caffe vanilla can be bought at just $18.00 on for the sake of faster muscle recovery and increasing energy level.

Whey and oats- Blueberry muffin: The ON blueberry muffin is manufactured with a balanced portion of whey and oats. It acts as an energy booster for all bodybuilders. 

Tip I follow before visiting supplement shop near me

  In the United States, many adults and children use one or more vitamins or nutritional supplements. Minerals, herbs or other botanicals, a...