Showing posts with label best protein for muscle growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best protein for muscle growth. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2021


Building muscle mass is not a piece of cake. It requires proper diet, exercise, and supplementation- the three keys to make muscle growth happen.

Maintaining muscle is harder as we age. Usually, people start losing muscle around the age of and above 30. Physically inactive people are more at risk of muscle loss. They can experience a 3 to 8% loss of lean muscle mass. The most common reason for this drop in muscle growth is lower testosterone levels in men and lower estrogen levels in women both hormones that help in building muscles. Add to that, the changes in nerve and blood cells and how protein gets converted into muscle tissue, are also important factors.

All in all muscle loss is inevitable for elderly people, and the easiest solution is to consume the best protein for muscle growth.



There are four elements for muscle growth, increased diet, more protein, carb, and fat consumption. For your eases, all these elements can be fulfilled with just one supplement- the best protein for muscle growth. Let’s dive into the four elements then.

Eat More, Not Less

The first tip for muscle growth is to eat more, not less. It’s a false assumption, a misconception that eating more will just make you fat. No, eating junk will make you fat, eating healthy in good quantity will help in muscle growth. When you try to build muscles, do not make the mistake of restricting caloric intake from a particular type of nutrient or restrict total calories at all. Muscle is the reservoir, the fuel to which your body will turn when your calories are low. So, eat plenty in order to sustain muscle growth. Starving yourself will only decrease fat stores, and weaken the body.

Elderly people who are up for exercising should take more food for having a calorie surplus. They should maintain a proper requisite of proteins, carbs, and fats, and eventually, their body composition will improve over time.

Eat More Protein

The next tip is to consume the best protein for muscle growth. Dietary protein supplements offer the body all the essential amino acids for building new muscle tissue. Protein supplements are available in the form of tablets, powders, and bars. As the design of muscle building, and the capacity of manufacturing muscle changes in elderly people, so does the need for protein. Since elderly people are mostly sedentary, they need a minimum of 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. It can be increased to 0.55 to 0.77 grams of protein per pound, depending upon how much muscle growth do you need.

Eat More Carbs

Dietary carbohydrates are crucial for muscle growth. They provide the body with energy to carry out tough workouts. Carbohydrates also replenish the energy stored in the muscles in the form of glycogen.

Eat More Fat

The fourth element is fat, healthy fat of course. You need to maintain an appropriate amount of healthy fats so as to boost metabolism and maintain hormonal function. A low-fat or no-fat diet becomes a hurdle in muscle growth.


The best protein for muscle growth has all the above four elements in it: fats, carb, protein, and a fulfilling diet. Protein powder is seen as a superb nutritional supplement.

Protein, as is known is the largest of all macronutrients. Being the building block of the human body, protein builds muscle, repairs tissue, and makes enzymes and hormones. Consumption of protein supplements balances your weight, and tone your muscles. Protein supplements are both dairy-based and plant-based. Below is a list of the perks of the best protein for muscle growth:

Muscle Building

In context to muscle building, protein is significant. Protein makes up around 10 to 35% of total calories for adults. The people who are building muscles with physical activity especially benefit from protein supplements, since it gives them a calorie surplus. Your aim should be for three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy and three ounce-equivalents of protein foods each day. This will provide a quality dose of protein to help you reach your muscle growth goal. Do eat grains, especially whole grains, as they provide protein.


The best protein for muscle growth offers a good amount of carbohydrates, which is important for fuelling your muscles. The reason is that carbs are partially converted to glycogen, which then leads to more energy stored in muscles. The energy helps to power your daily activities. Men and women need to source at least half of their calories from carbohydrates per day. Apart from protein supplementation, you can good quality carbohydrates food that provides dietary fiber, for instance, whole-grain bread and cereals. A lot of dairy products such as milk and yogurt, also provide carbohydrates. Just go for low-fat or fat-free dairy foods and beverages so as to limit the sources of saturated fat. Fruits and vegetables are undoubtedly good options. Also, limit your meals and snacks plus avoid taking junk foods. Make sure not to take foods high in dietary fiber immediately before or during physical activity.


The best protein for muscle growth offers fat, healthy fat. In case you don’t know, our body relies on fat for the sake of supplying energy to muscles during some types of activity. However, the need for fat constituency varies from person to person, and age to age. As a general rule, fat should constitute up to 20 to 35% of your total calories.

For the overall good health and muscle strength, try to take heart-healthy fats, because the heart is the most important muscle of the human body. You should also include vegetable oils, like olive oil and canola oil, and avocados in your daily diet.


The best protein for muscle growth contributes to muscle recovery after heavy activity. Protein supplementation not only helps to increase muscle mass but also repair damaged muscles and tissues. In fact, taking up protein shakes is preferable as it speeds up the recovery from muscle soreness after exercise.

Many studies have concluded that taking up protein supplements after a tiring activity will aid recovery in elderly people, reduce muscle damage and improve muscle performance and muscle protein synthesis.

Added nutrition

Lastly, the best protein supplements for muscle growth are wholesome in nature. They offer added nutrition in terms of amino acids, macro and micronutrients, vitamins, and digestive enzymes. Since elderly people find it challenging to meet normal nutrient amounts, hence it is a must for them to take protein supplementation.

Protein will also combat the risk of chronic diseases in elderly people in addition to muscle growth.



Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Choosing The Best Protein For Muscle Gain


Scientifically, Protein is a macronutrient and an essential element for muscle growth in body, which is made up of small building blocks known as amino acids. They are 20 in number and out of which, 8 are termed as essential amino acids ( EAA). Moreover, these EAAs are not produced in the body by its own and it can only be sourced externally from the food and supplement that we may consume. Protein is that nutritient which acts as a structural component present in our body muscle and tissues as well. Protein is really crucial for our survival and has high importance for the process of muscles building in our body.


As per the nutritionists, there are different reasons why protein powder for muscle gain is highly suggested. When our muscles stretches up and slightly tears up while you do a workout, protein are the only ones which help these teared up muscles to rebuild them and making them more stronger than ever. These Proteins are not only considered for muscle building, but they also play a crucial role to improve bone density, and also help the muscle development in the body. 



Choose Protein as per your diet preference


Protein is sourced from two diverse sources which are Animal and plant based. You can choose as per your per diet preference, as protein is assesible to all type of diet consumers.


The animal sourced protein products provide all the essential amino acids which are necessarily needed for muscle gain. These protein sources or supplements also contains saturated fat and cholesterol as well, which makes it slightly less healthy for the heart health.


Out of everything, Whey protein is the best animal sourced protein. It is the by-product of the cheese making process and consists of about 20 % of the protein that is contained in the milk.

Apart from whey protein, casein is also the best milk sourced protein that is comprised of about 80% of milk protein. Another animal sourced protein is egg protein, which can be considered mainly less due to the taste. If we conclude all the benefits provided by animal sourced protein, whey protein supplement is highly recommended in all range of animal sourced protein powder for muscle gain.


The plant based or herb sourced protein powder products contain less essential amino acids than animal sourced protein supplements which are low in fat and cholesterol. Due to these two facts, plant based protein is is really favourable for  people with cholesterol problems, or someone willing to improve cholesterol level. People who have weak heart health, can also consider plant based protein supplements in their diet.


Generally speaking, It is very tough job to get the all the essential amino acids through their food alone, specially for vegetarians and vegans. Thus, these plant based protein for muscle gain can help fill in the nutritional blanks in the process. Intake of protein is really important not only for muscle gain, but also for overall health.



Types of protein supplements:


1. Whey protein


Whey protein is most popular, widely used, and it is sourced from milk

 It carries high amount of amino acids and BCCAs which are responsible for muscle growth and building up of muscles. It is one of the best protein for muscle growth available in the form of protein.


2. Casein


When it comes to the best Protein for muscle growth, this protein is one of the supplements mostly preferred by athletes. This is also processed from the milk, and is similar to whey protein in so many ways. The time of digestion and the release of protein is what that makes both casein and whey different from each other, as casein digest slower than the whey.


3. Egg protein


People are suffering from hypertension and obesity are the ones who mostly prefer egg protein supplements. This protein is enough efficient if used for muscle tissue recovery. Egg supplement is likely to leave bad breath after consumed. It is a bit less efficient than that of the whey protein, but can be taken throughout the day.


4. Soy protein


One of the most common choices, after whey protein supplements, between vegan people is soy protein. It is great with bone mass and helps to reduce cholesterol level. Soy Protein is one the best protein for muscle growth in all age groups.


 5. Milk Protein


Milk Protein enhances muscle growth and also strengthen the immune system in our body. It is complements the benefits in our body.


7. Pea protein


Pea Protein is the protein which is economical and easily digestible in all age groups. So it is suitable for all vegans who have problem with digestibility. Those who suffer from these conditions, can consider this plant sourced best Protein for muscle growth.


8. Hemp protein


Hemp Protein is great source of omega-3 fatty acids and is 100% plant based. Vegans and Omega -3 deficiencient people can consume it for best results.




Best protein for muscle growth


In order to improve overall performance and muscle growth in men and women both, whey protein powder is what you can consider without any extra thought. You will get various supplements offering different compositions of whey protein, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey is best the best Protein for muscle growth.



ON Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein


Whey Protein is the one with best praising reviews by its consumers for better muscle growth. It contains high quality macronutrients with the blend of all three types of whey protein, which offers different benefits in one product. It is supposed to provide 24 grams of protein with one gram of both fat and sugar, and 3 grams of carbohydrates, per serving.


The presence of whey isolate in this supplement is the highest amount of the percentage of protein. It also offers whey peptides which are pre-digested protein, that makes it easier for this protein to digest and get absorbed quickly. Whereas concentrate whey contains less fat, but offer some major health benefits to the consumer.


The mixability of this supplement is enhanced by an element present in it which is lecithin, and also Aminogen present in it, is known to provide enzymes which are responsible to digest lactose. Whether you mix it with water or milk, this supplement will leave no clumps. However, most of the people who consider taste as the major factor, recommend to mix this best protein powder with the milk to enhance the taste experience.


Overall, this product has the best Protein for muscle growth, and it is also a great fit with the different choices of flavors to choose from. It comes in a wide range of flavors, some of which are; white chocolate, rocky road, double rich cocoa, peanut butter, and so on. Not only protein, but the supplement also carries a great amount of BCCAs which are responsible to enhance and speed up muscle recovery process. Due to various reasons and positive factors, this Supplement is the best Protein for muscle growth.



Conclusion :


While our focus is on to limit the protein intake, we should understand that it is an essential part of our bodily functions. It not only helps in synthesization of body enzymes and important hormones, but also helps to maintain fluid balance. It helps to regulate many vital functions like building antibodies against infection and illnesses, process of blood clotting, and scar formation, etc.


The basic compound of protein is amino acid, and the protein acts as a building block for our muscles, bones, skin, hair, and also blood, etc. The Protein-rich foods from animals consist meat, cheese, milk, fish, and eggs, etc. But if you are a vegetarian, the protein can be found in soy products like tofu and also in many combinations of vegetarian foods like rice, corn with beans.


Whether you are daily runner, an amazing strength trainer, or just an average person who basic exercises, the balanced diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and also other complex carbs, is what all the nutritionists recommend to everyone. Apart from good diet, you should also choose best protein for muscle growth and overall body fitness.


Thursday, February 11, 2021



Muscle growth is a strenuous task, the perquisites of which are four:



Nutritious diet,

Health supplements

The focus of today’s blog is on the last notion, that is, supplements. Health supplements are crucial for muscle growth. They balance the nutritional content which restrictive diet cannot. Amongst all the supplements, best proteins for muscle growth products are of prime concern because protein is the chief manager of muscle synthesis.


The best protein for muscle growth supplements offer amplitude of benefits such as:

Reduces Appetite: The foremost perk of protein supplements is that it reduces your appetite by being fulfilling in nature. Protein supplements contain three important macronutrients — fats, carbs, and protein. Protein keeps you full for long time and control your hunger pangs. It is recommended for muscle gainers to replace their carbs and fats with protein.

Increases Muscle Mass: Next, the best protein for muscle growth products aid muscle strength and muscle synthesis. Protein is the building block of your muscles. Consuming adequate amounts of protein will help you to maintain your muscle mass and promote muscle growth when you do strength training. There are various studies depicting that eating of plenty of protein can help to increase muscle mass and strength  especially if you are physically active, lift weights, or try to gain muscle.


Good for Your Bones: In addition to muscle growth, protein supplements also strengthen your muscles. Various experiments have been conducted to understand the effect of protein on bones, and it’s positive. Protein supplements maintain bone mass especially in older people and reduce osteoporosis.

Boosts Metabolism: The best protein for muscle growth helps a lot in maintaining your body metabolism. Our body uses calories for metabolism. Protein helps the body to choose fat for metabolism instead of carbs. It significantly boosts metabolism and increases the number of fats you burn.

Helps Maintain Weight Loss: Muscle growers have a thing for their bodyweight and physique. Best protein for muscle growth boosts metabolism and leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake. Many consumers of protein agree a healthy weight loss. Protein supplements also have benefits for fat loss during intentional calorie restriction. Hence, for best results take protein supplements with exercise.

Does Not Harm Healthy Kidneys: The best part of all protein supplements is that it is absolutely safe for one’s kidneys. There is a misconception that a high protein intake can harm your kidneys, and to some level it is true. You see, restricting protein intake can benefit people with pre-existing kidney disease, and kidney problems should not be taken seriously. The point to be noted in this regard is that while high protein intake can harm individuals with kidney problems, it has no harmful impact to people with healthy kidneys. So, yes protein supplementation for muscle growth is free of harm.

Helps Your Body to Repair Itself After Injury: Muscle growth via exercise and weight lifting increases the risk of injuries. In this context, protein supplementation is beneficial. Protein can easily help your body to repair after it has been injured, after all proteins are the main building blocks of our tissues and organs. There are mounting studies that demonstrate that eating more protein after injury can help to speed up recovery after any sort of injury has occurred.

Helps You Stay Fit as You Age: Last perk of protein for muscle growth products is that it controls gradual muscle breakdown, a consequence of aging. The most cases of muscle ruptures are related to sarcopenia. It is one of the main causes of frailty, bone fractures, and can lead to reduced quality of life among older. In this scenario, eating more protein is one of the best ways to decrease age-related muscle deterioration.


Sunday, December 13, 2020



Protein and muscle growth are like two sides of the same coin. There can be no addition to muscle mass without protein intake. The whole medical market is filled with the best protein for muscle growth. So let us take a quick look at how protein affects muscles.


Nearly everyone in the twenty first century is willing to have a good physique. And when it comes to getting in shape and staying healthy, muscle mass is the primary focus. The best protein for muscle growth should be paired up with good diet and exercise to get the adorable look.


Protein supplements offer a wholesome, nutrient-rich diet that will give you the energy you need to work out and get on with the rest of your day. Protein supplements help you lose weight and of course add to muscle mass. As a result you get a boost in your strength.


How It Works


Now that we are talking about the best protein supplements for muscle growth, it is important to know its processing. The reason why protein is consumed by so many bodybuilders and athletes is that they follow heavy work out regime. They tend to incur muscle soreness and muscle degeneration post strenuous exercise. But with protein supplements muscle regeneration can be fastened up. It keeps a balance up nutrition in the body.


Furthermore, protein supplements are made up of amino acids, which aid and cause many of the reactions and processes in your body. When a person exercises and lifts weight, it creates tiny micro tears in his muscles. Consuming protein supplements help in using those amino acids to repair the tears formed in our muscles.


How Much Protein You Need


Even the best proteins for muscle growth are effective only if consumed in right proportion. Make sure you take the right amount of protein supplements. Too little, and your body could take longer to build muscle and too much can make you feel dehydrated, increase your risk of kidney stone, and end up gaining weight from fat, not muscle. Like anything, you need to find a balance and choose the right amount of protein for your muscle synthesis.


The average recommendation given by most doctors for people who exercises regularly is 0 .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In fact athletes and people who work out a lot should try to eat even more. Moreover, it depends upon gender, weight, height, and lifestyle (active- passive) that how much protein you specifically need to eat every day. Women, for instance, tend to need less protein than men. Also, hormone levels and body composition plays a role in how much you’ll need to bulk up.

It's Essential

Yes, the intake for best protein for muscle growth must be limited, but not restricted. Protein is important for the sake of our bodies' normal functions. Protein supplements aids in synthesizing enzymes and hormones, maintaining fluid balance, and regulating such vital functions as building antibodies against infection, along with blood clotting and scar formation.

Protein is renowned for being a building block for our muscles, bones, cartilage, skinhair, and blood. Everybody cannot afford to eat protein-rich foods in this expensive- hectic lifestyle. Thus, it is better and convenient to plunge on to protein supplements. Even if you are an avid strength trainer, a marathon runner, or a exercise holic, protein rich supplements are must.




Thursday, November 26, 2020



Since the new generation is highly health conscious, they want to make their diet more nutritious. Protein bars, is the most sought way to do so. Protein bars are nothing but snacks packed with immense nutrition and health. Protein bars have high calorie and fibre content. They are convenient for all those who do not have time to cook or order.


In order to be better informed about the best protein bars, check out their nutritional content as given below:

The best protein bars, on an average, contains 5- 10 g of fat, 25- 35 grams of carbs, and 5- 10 grams of fibre;

In addition to protein and carbs, the best protein bars, are also a good source of micronutrients such as calcium B, vitamins, potassium, and iron;

Furthermore, the best protein bars are organically manufactured, so, they use plant based sources like soy, pea, brown rice, and seeds.


Whenever you buy a protein bar, it is important to look for these key points:

Calorie count: The foremost point to consider in the best protein bars is its calorie count. For those on a weight loss regime, high calorie bar is poisonous. The That’s It bar on, has just hundred calories. It is the perfect snack in regards to calories. It is also gluten free, vegan, kosher, and three grams of fibre. It is available in umpteen flavours from mango to strawberry to coconut to kiwi and pineapple.

Carbohydrates: Next factor to be careful in buying a protein bar is the carbohydrates count. If you are on a weight loss plan, then buy a low carbohydrate bar else look out for carbohydrate rich protein bar. Consuming a bar just after a workout can have high carbohydrates. The Mojo Sweet and Salty trail mix bar, available on has the perfect number of carbohydrates, that being twenty grams, that is 7%. It is a peanut rich bar, entirely natural, and 70% organic. It is a good source of protein as well as fibre.

Sugar alcohols: Of course, checking sugar alcohols is must when you go for protein bar shopping. Usually people do not have any issues in digesting sugar alcohols, but some may face difficulties such as diarrhoea, cramps, etc. So keep your sugar alcohol tolerance level in mind before you buy a protein bar.

Dietary fat content: Next is the dietary fat content. Fats, you see, lowers down the release of carbs in your body. So, if you are not using a protein bar for post workout than buy such a one that has some dietary fat in it. You need to watch the level of trans fat, saturated fats, and the unsaturated fats of course. The Luna Protein cookie dough is a good example in this case. High in calcium, vitamin D, iron, and is gluten free.

Finally consideration is your aim. The end- goal that you want to achieve via these protein bars. For instance, are you endeavouring for weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain, or boosting energy? Protein bars are actually a very fulfilling healthy snack. They can literally replace a meal, especially breakfast by compensating for whole foods, grains, etc.

Keep the above aspects in mind and choose your kind of protein bar.


Tip I follow before visiting supplement shop near me

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