Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Protein bars are the world’s choice for being convenient source of nutrition. They are useful for every strata of people from athletes, gym-goers, and layman for the sake of keeping their nutrition levels intact. The best protein bars bodybuilding is loaded with amazing benefits in this context. It provides all the macro and micro molecules necessary for bodybuilding.


The best protein bars bodybuilding work as the perfect source of wholesome nutrients. They are manufactured from whole foods and are filled with all of those essential nutrients that are more than important for your body to properly function. Protein bars work also as a replacement for a meal along with giving an extra boost throughout your day. The best part of protein bars is that they come in such scrumptious flavours that you but naturally substitute them as a nutritious snack.

Here is a note on the impact of the best protein bars bodybuilding:

Growth: Protein is the most vital of all macronutrient. It is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Protein is used by the human body to build and maintain muscles, produce blood and connective tissue, and prepare your body to face whatever comes its way by strengthening immunity.

Amongst all the protein supplements, the best is whey, both whey concentrate and whey isolate. It offers a high dose of protein and can be taken as a replacement of cooked meals during our busy schedules. Protein bars, or should I say, whey protein bars are crucial components for muscle growth and muscle maintenance. It helps in muscle workout recovery and of course brings added nutrition.

Must Read: 5 Reasons on why you should not ignore the best multivitamin for men bodybuilding

Performance: The best protein bars bodybuilding is essential for enhancing your overall performance. They are simple, tasty, and convenient snacks to enjoy while maintaining your protein constituency. Herein it is important to find the right bars. Watch out for sugary protein bars as it can disrupt your gains.  Ensure that there are no added sugar or any other sweeteners as it can ruin all of your dietary work.

The good protein bars will have the following essentials:

·         Protein: Good protein bars will offer high protein content and aid to body growth. It shall keep you full along with maintaining proper digestion. Add to that, the high dose of protein shall help you in muscle building, muscle maintenance, and workout recovery.

·         Fiber: Next, the good protein bars will have a high dose of fiber. Fibre keeps you full for a longer time helping in weight management. Also, it smoothens the body functions.

·         Inexpensive and convenient: The best protein bar bodybuilding are effective and inexpensive, both in one. They will offer brilliant results without making you look into your pocket twice.

·         Minimal calories: Next, make sure that the protein bar you buy for bodybuilding purpose has low calories.

·          A quality fat content: Healthy fat is important for the smooth body metabolism. Protein bars have carbs, protein, and fats in good amounts. ,

Above all, you have utmost freedom to choose your favourite flavour when it comes to bodybuilding for protein bars. There is chocolate, peanut, cocoa, strawberry, and the seasonal pumpkin.

For best results, consume protein bars post a workout. A good protein bar for bodybuilding will yield 16-30 grams of protein. When taken after a workout, it shall build your muscles, heal the tissues and cracks that occur in muscles due to exercise, and provide instant energy.

Thursday, February 11, 2021



Muscle growth is a strenuous task, the perquisites of which are four:



Nutritious diet,

Health supplements

The focus of today’s blog is on the last notion, that is, supplements. Health supplements are crucial for muscle growth. They balance the nutritional content which restrictive diet cannot. Amongst all the supplements, best proteins for muscle growth products are of prime concern because protein is the chief manager of muscle synthesis.


The best protein for muscle growth supplements offer amplitude of benefits such as:

Reduces Appetite: The foremost perk of protein supplements is that it reduces your appetite by being fulfilling in nature. Protein supplements contain three important macronutrients — fats, carbs, and protein. Protein keeps you full for long time and control your hunger pangs. It is recommended for muscle gainers to replace their carbs and fats with protein.

Increases Muscle Mass: Next, the best protein for muscle growth products aid muscle strength and muscle synthesis. Protein is the building block of your muscles. Consuming adequate amounts of protein will help you to maintain your muscle mass and promote muscle growth when you do strength training. There are various studies depicting that eating of plenty of protein can help to increase muscle mass and strength  especially if you are physically active, lift weights, or try to gain muscle.


Good for Your Bones: In addition to muscle growth, protein supplements also strengthen your muscles. Various experiments have been conducted to understand the effect of protein on bones, and it’s positive. Protein supplements maintain bone mass especially in older people and reduce osteoporosis.

Boosts Metabolism: The best protein for muscle growth helps a lot in maintaining your body metabolism. Our body uses calories for metabolism. Protein helps the body to choose fat for metabolism instead of carbs. It significantly boosts metabolism and increases the number of fats you burn.

Helps Maintain Weight Loss: Muscle growers have a thing for their bodyweight and physique. Best protein for muscle growth boosts metabolism and leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake. Many consumers of protein agree a healthy weight loss. Protein supplements also have benefits for fat loss during intentional calorie restriction. Hence, for best results take protein supplements with exercise.

Does Not Harm Healthy Kidneys: The best part of all protein supplements is that it is absolutely safe for one’s kidneys. There is a misconception that a high protein intake can harm your kidneys, and to some level it is true. You see, restricting protein intake can benefit people with pre-existing kidney disease, and kidney problems should not be taken seriously. The point to be noted in this regard is that while high protein intake can harm individuals with kidney problems, it has no harmful impact to people with healthy kidneys. So, yes protein supplementation for muscle growth is free of harm.

Helps Your Body to Repair Itself After Injury: Muscle growth via exercise and weight lifting increases the risk of injuries. In this context, protein supplementation is beneficial. Protein can easily help your body to repair after it has been injured, after all proteins are the main building blocks of our tissues and organs. There are mounting studies that demonstrate that eating more protein after injury can help to speed up recovery after any sort of injury has occurred.

Helps You Stay Fit as You Age: Last perk of protein for muscle growth products is that it controls gradual muscle breakdown, a consequence of aging. The most cases of muscle ruptures are related to sarcopenia. It is one of the main causes of frailty, bone fractures, and can lead to reduced quality of life among older. In this scenario, eating more protein is one of the best ways to decrease age-related muscle deterioration.


Thursday, February 4, 2021



Are you planning to buy supplements online? If yes, then you need to do it right. There are tons of supplements present in the market today. You must check your lifestyle, nutrient deficiencies, and body requirements to choose the important supplements. This blog brings in forefront certain important supplements that are mandatory for nearly everyone.




Scroll below and know the best way to buy supplements online, or should I say the best products to be bought.

Fish oil: Topping the list is fish oil. It is one of the key products that offer long chain omega 3 fats (found naturally in oily fish). There is enough evidence depicting that omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for a healthy heart and brain. Fish oil plays a significant role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. It offers the most important of all omega 3 fatty acids, that is, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). For best results chose a fish oil that has a high concentration of EPA and DHA, along with purity and sustainability certifications."

Probiotics: Do consider probiotic when you buy supplements online. It is actually a 'good' bacteria that lines our digestive tracts and also supports the body's ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Consuming probiotic supplements is a good way to ensure your gut health. Various researches show that the health of our gut directly affects our immune system. Taking a daily probiotic can be a simple way to help keep your gut healthy and strengthen the immune system. Probiotics is now available in the form of capsules, drinks, and powders. In fact, there are delicious probiotic curds available online now. It is good to consume probiotic supplements especially if you are taking a course of antibiotics. Probiotics also support immunity, various process of digestion, and even helps to regulate weight and balance hormones.

Vitamin D: The next best health supplement is vitamin D. It is crucial for strong bones, muscular and overall health. Vitamin D, you should know, is a fat soluble nutrient and is also one of the 24 micronutrients important for human survival. There is a spike in the rates of vitamin D deficiency and therefore, supplementation is encouraged. Although the primary source of vitamin D is sunlight but due to various constraints such as busy schedule, living in colder region, and the fear of tanned skin, people find it better to resort to vitamin D supplementation.

Magnesium: Next supplement to consider when you buy supplements online is magnesium. It is a nutrient playing an important role in hundreds of enzymatic bodily reactions, such as metabolising food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, as well as transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium works best when taken in the evening for it offers a better night's sleep and manages stress levels.

Protein: Protein, being the building block of human body, is an important nutrient. Although protein is necessary for everyone yet it is specially required by athletes, those who have an intense training regime. Protein is also helpful in muscle gain and fat loss, after all it is the king of nutrients. Various scientific research prove that protein helps in weight loss by boosting metabolism and it also reduces hunger and appetite. Whey protein is therefore the ideal health product.



Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Multivitamins are a combination of vitamins and minerals. They are manufactured as per customer’s needs. Some multis combat deficiencies, others are used as energy boosters, while some specifically cater to bodybuilding. The best multivitamins for bodybuilding are crafted keeping the requirements and lifestyle of bodybuilders in mind. 


In the context to physique and fitness, there is a long- driven list of the best multivitamins for bodybuilding that includes:

Calcium: Calcium is an important mineral of all the multivitamins. It is crucial for strong bones and teeth, and also vital for muscle contraction as well as energy metabolism. Various studies have also shown that a lack of calcium can trigger the release of calcitrol, which is a hormone that leads to storing fat.

Biotin: Biotin plays a vital role in converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. 

Iron: Iron is a definite part of all the best multivitamins for bodybuilding. It forms part of haemoglobin, the pigment that helps in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. Iron is also essential for maintaining high energy levels, and strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential not only for bodybuilders but for each one of us, since it is the most powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps to metabolise carbs for fuel and also protects the body from exercise-induced oxidative stress. Vitamin C increases the body’s power to absorb iron and protect it against energy-sapping infections.

Vitamin D: Going alphabetically, next important bodybuilding vitamin is vitamin D. It helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which further combats muscle contractions, and aids the synthesis of ATP, the useable form of energy in the body.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B is a big family of various B vitamin members. Amongst them, vitamin B12 is very important. It plays a crucial role in forming red blood cells and converting food into energy. Vitamin D also ensures that the brain and muscles communicate efficiently. This communication further affects muscle growth and muscle co-ordination.

Copper: Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the human body. The mineral copper helps to protect the cardiovascular, nervous as well as skeletal system. Furthermore, copper also strengthens the tendons needed to lift weights. So yes, a multivitamin rich in copper is must for bodybuilders.

Magnesium: Found in various bodybuilding multivitamins, magnesium plays is a vital mineral. It plays an essential part in muscle contraction and aids a boost in your energy levels. Magnesium can also help bodybuilders to reduce fatigue and muscle cramps.

Riboflavin: Iboflavin is just another name given to Also known as vitamin B2. It aids the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates and fat, which are further transformed into energy. Riboflavin also supports the antioxidants in the body.


In addition to the best multivitamins for bodybuilding, there are certain protein supplements also which help in building body such as:

Protein energy vanilla latte: This vanilla flavoured protein supplement is available at $23.90 on nutritionwellnesscare.com. It is perfect for oxidation process for being rich in vitamin E, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Optimum nutrition essential amino energy– iced mocha cappuccino: Grab this delicious mocha cappuccino on nutritionwellnesscare.com at just $19.43. It helps in muscle synthesis and boosting energy.

Essential amino energy – iced cafe vanilla: The ON iced caffe vanilla can be bought at just $18.00 on nutritionwellnesscare.com for the sake of faster muscle recovery and increasing energy level.

Whey and oats- Blueberry muffin: The ON blueberry muffin is manufactured with a balanced portion of whey and oats. It acts as an energy booster for all bodybuilders. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021



Amino acid supplements aka BCAAs are a combo of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, the most important non- linear “branched” carbon atom. Amino acids are vital for they are the building blocks of proteins, and hence make up the structure of the body. The optimum nutrition amino energy supplements are the most popular of all. They follow an organic manufacturing process and give effective results. There is much craze for the new optimum nutrition essential amino energy – iced caramel macchiato so let us find out the reasons for such increasing demand.


The optimum nutrition essential amino energy – icedcaramel macchiato, is not only about delicious caramel flavour but also health. Here is a short note on how you can benefit from the Optimum Nutrition macchiato supplements.

Delay Fatigue During Prolonged Exercise: The Optimum nutrition amino supplements inhibit the onset of both the central and the peripheral fatigue during exercise, as a result you can go stronger for long. Peripheral fatigue, in case you don’t know, is when your muscles get tired. It can be delayed with BCAA supplementation as it offers additional energy source during prolonged exercise. Central fatigue, on the other hand, is when your brain gets tired. Amino supplements control tryptophan, and leads to feelings of relaxation and sleepiness.

Fortify the Immune System: The optimum nutrition essential amino energy – iced caramel macchiato helps in strengthening the immune system. Intense, overtraining, and high volume training when repeated over days and weeks can lead to fatigue as well as immune suppression. In this context a long term amino supplementation will help to improve the immune response to intense endurance because BCAAs are used by immune cells within the gut as a fuel source. It allows the immune system to regenerate itself more efficiently and shield the body against harmful pathogens, reducing the risk of getting sick.

Protect Lean Muscle: Next important perk of the optimum nutrition amino supplement is that it preserves muscle mass under extremely catabolic conditions which are characterized by protein breakdown and muscle wasting. It is a known fact that during exercise, muscle protein breakdown, especially, BCAA breakdown for energy is increased. With amino energy supplements your body is less likely to consume its own amino acid (protein) stores and hence offer more strength.

Promote Muscle Protein Synthesis: The optimum nutrition essential amino energy – iced caramel macchiato is great for weight lifters. It contains the BCAA leucine which is vital for initiating muscle protein synthesis and for muscle building.

Reduce Exercise Induced Muscle Soreness and Damage: Above all, the optimum nutrition amino energy supplements when taken prior to and during exercise will reduce the severity and duration of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS is simply the painful sensation that lasts for several days post an intense or strenuous exercise bout. Moreover, some recent studies have also shown that amino energy supplement intake can reduce muscle damage in response to both resistances training as well as endurance exercise. As a result you can bounce back much faster and have less muscle soreness between challenging workouts.

With so many perks in pocket it is obvious why the optimum nutrition amino energy macchiato is so much in demand. Click on nutritionwellnesscare.com and grab the product at just $19.43.




Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Vitamins are essential to the overall health of every human. However the vitamin needs of every man and woman differs. The best multivitamins for men, as available on nutritionwellnesscare.com, are very effective. They come from top health brands and are manufactured organically. Multivitamins are necessary for various critical roles in one’s body, such as producing energy and ensuring proper function of bodily systems.


There are numerous advantages of the best multivitamins for men. Below is a list of the eight most important perks:

Healthy aging: Aging is inevitable, but it can turn healthier with multivitamins. You see, as men age, their nutritional needs increase. Also at the same time, it gets harder for the men’s body to absorb nutrients. Some people may switch to medications but let me tell you that medications can further deplete one’s body of nutrients. Hence it is better to take multivitamin since it is a more convenient way to offset the deficiencies, without cause any depletion.

Good for one’s heart: Various studies show that consuming a high-quality multivitamin also reduces cardiovascular disease. Heart diseases, as is known, are the leading cause of death in majority of men these days. In this context, taking supplements rich in vitamins B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin K1, niacin (B3), CoQ10 and magnesium can be helpful. They all play a strong role in cardiovascular health.

Reduces cancer risk: Another perk of the best multivitamins for men is that it has been associated with a decreased risk of some cancers. Yes, various studies depict that multis reduce the risk of cancer, especially in older men.

Boosts immunity: Furthermore, vitamin C, one of the most important strong antioxidant adds to the advantages of the multivitamins for men. It is specially known for strengthening the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E also boost immunity. These vitamins through supplementation can also help to reduce allergy symptoms.

Supports eye health: In case you don’t know, multis also improve eye health. Vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Niacin (B3), and selenium effectively support eye health. Add to that there is lutein and zeaxanthin, which also protect the eyes from harmful light waves. In fact various studies have shown that multivitamins that contain a combination of vitamins, lutein, and zeaxanthin together can reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Water-soluble vitamins: Vitamins are of two kinds, water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamin A, D, E, and K. They are stored in the body itself. While the water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin C are not stored in the body. These excess water-soluble vitamins can simply travel through the body, hence they must be taken on a daily basis.

Healthy hair and skin: Next advantage of the best multivitamin for men is that it strengthens hair and beautifies the skin. In fact new research shows that consuming vitamins B3 (Niacin), biotin, and vitamin C will add to fuller hair. For healthy skin, and good looks it is best to take vitamins A, C, E, and CoQ10.

Feel better: Final on the list is a boost in energy levels. You see, the long vitamin B family is associated with rendering the feeling of calmness. Consuming a B multivitamin supplement ups the energy levels, feelings of well being, as well as a drop down in stress and anxiety.


Sunday, January 24, 2021



Bodybuilding is an excruciating task, isn’t it? To ease this stress nutritionwellnesscare.com brings to you the best bodybuilding supplements. These supplements are rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and BCAAs. Supplementation aids the process of bodybuilding, as it is good for muscle synthesis, protein synthesis, boosting energy, and strengthening immunity.


Creatine Monohydrate : Amongst the list of best bodybuilding supplements, the foremost is creatine monohydrate. It is a chemical present naturally in the human body and is essential during intensive physical work such as weightlifting. Creatine monohydrate supplementation is necessary to the body when it comes to weightlifting, since it provides a boost in energy and endurance. Furthermore, creatine supplementation increases the availability of creatine and phosphocreatine which further speeds up the recovery process between sets. Long term creatine monohydrate supplementation can improve overall performance and strength.


Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Second on the list is BCAAs. It consist of three major amino acids namely leucine, isoleucine and valine. All these three BCAAs are especially important for muscle growth and strength. BCAAs are mostly found in animal products, hence vegetarians should take them in the form of supplementation. BCAAs are the best supplement for alleviating post-workout soreness and muscle damage. They control the body’s protein degradation and aids to the synthesis of proteins in the body.


Weight gainers: Next we have weight gainers. As the name implies, these supplements help in adding weight to your body. These weight gain supplements are primarily used by and recommended to all those who struggle to gain weight. For instance, people with high basal metabolic rate are unable to gain weight even though they consume a large number of calories. Hence, weight gainers with it’s high proteins and calories are great for such people. The calorie content of weight gainers differs for every product, so choose as per your need.


Whey Protein: Whey protein indeed one of the best bodybuilding supplements. It is rich in BCAAs and can be digested very quickly making it perfect for consumption post a heavy workout. Whey protein is actually a natural protein which is found in milk along with casein. Whey is a concentrated form of protein. It can significantly fast-track the body’s response to physical stress. There are numerous of whey-protein rich supplements available in the market. They have low lactose constituency and contains enough digestive enzymes. It is best to consume whey within an hour after a workout. Whey protein product is must for people who train or exercise regularly.


Glutamine: Final on the list is glutamine. It is also an amino acid that helps the body to deal with the physical stress of heavy bodybuilding exercises. Glutamine removes all the excess ammonia that gets accumulated in your body when you exercise profusely. Excess ammonia in the body, in turn, can severely imbalance the acid-base equilibrium that must be maintained in the body. The recommended dose is 20-30 grams of glutamine per day which incorporate consuming 10 grams of this supplement post-workout.


If you really want to beat the rest at bodybuilding then pair up physique with health. Exercise, activity, and regular work out can aid to muscular growth and fitness. For health, however, you need bodybuilding supplements. They will manage from A to Z of the entire body processes.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Adorable, lean muscles are the aim of majority of people these days. Exercise and weight lifting are thought to be the best options to gain muscles. There is one more, which often people neglect, that is, health supplements for muscle growth. These supplements are rich in proteins, carbs, vitamins, and BCAAs which are extremely crucial for muscle growth. Let us take a look at the best of them.


The best supplements for muscle growth can be easily availed from nutritionwellnesscare.com.

Creatine: Creatine tops the list. It is a molecule that provides energy for your muscles as well as other tissues. Creatine supplementation has proven to increase muscle creatine beyond its normal levels. In turn, creatine affects your muscle cells and exercise performance, and promotes muscle gain. When taken regularly, creatine improves muscle strength and adds to muscle mass over time and also increases water content in your muscle cells which helps your muscle cells to swell slightly and produce signals for muscle growth.

Protein Supplements: Next best supplement for muscle growth is none other but protein. It is critical for gaining muscle.

Protein is especially helpful for gaining muscle. There are various forms of protein supplements available, amongst which the most popular are whey, casein and soy protein. It has been proven by research that taking protein can causes slightly more muscle gain in those people who exercise than adding extra carbs.

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Weight Gainers: Weight gainers, as the name implies, are supplements designed specifically to conveniently help you get more calories and protein. They are basically used by individuals who struggle to gain muscle. Sometimes gaining large amounts of calories and lifting weights is not sufficient, you need supplementation as well. Protein supplements offer you both calories and carbs and are therefore effective for increasing lean mass.

Beta-Alanine: Beta-alanine is an important amino acid.  It is helpful in reducing fatigue and also increase exercise performance. Add to that, beta-alanine also helps to increase muscle mass when paired up with a regular exercise program. Studies show that beta alanine taken for long weeks increased lean body mass and hence it helps to support muscle gain.

 Branched-Chain Amino Acid: Next amongst the best supplements for muscle growth is branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). It consists of three individual amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine which are critically important for muscle growth. In fact these BCAAs make up about 14% of the amino acids in your muscles hence they must be regularly consumed. Research has also proven that BCAAs improve muscle gain and reduce muscle loss quite effectively.  

HMB: HMB is elaborated as beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB). It is a molecule that is produced when your body processes the amino acid leucine. HMB is basically responsible for having some of its notable effects of protein and leucine. HMB is exclusively important for reducing the breakdown of muscle proteins.

Although HMB is produced naturally by your body, but taking it as a supplement will allow for higher levels and also benefits your muscles. Several studies conducted on previously untrained adults have shown that taking 3–6 grams of HMB every day will improve the gains in lean body mass from weight training. Studies also attest that HMB is most effective for those who are getting started with exercise or increasing the intensity of their workouts.


Thursday, January 14, 2021



Bodybuilding requires a lot of workout, strict diet, and... nutrition. Without adequate nutrition no matter how fit you look from the outside, your body will be weak from the inside. Hence, cover it up with bodybuilding supplements. As understood from the name, these supplements are additional intakes for bodybuilders. They are packed with all those vitamins, proteins, nutrients, and minerals that are vital for bodybuilders. nutritionwellnesscare.com can help you sort out the best supplements, at your own comfortable prices, and delicious flavours.


The best bodybuilding supplements are beneficial in many ways. Below is a list of the same:


Creatine is an important protein molecule which is necessary to increase muscles. It effectively works on your muscle cells and exercise performance, promoting muscle gain. Various researches have proved that creatine improves muscle strength and aids you to have a larger increase in muscle mass over time. Add to that, creatine can also raise water content in your muscle cells leading to swell it slightly and produce signals for muscle growth. Not to forget that creatine could decrease the breakdown of proteins in your muscles.

Protein Supplements

Protein is indeed the most important bodybuilding supplements constituent. Consuming enough protein is vital for gaining muscle. In order to gain muscles, you need to take more protein than your body breaks down through natural processes which is only possible through supplementation.

Amongst protein supplements, whey, casein and soy protein are the most important ones. They increase muscle mass without adding any unnecessary carbs.

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Weight gainers

Weight gainers are health supplements designed to conveniently help bodybuilders get more calories and protein. They are typically used by those who are struggling hard to gain muscle, even when they consume large amounts of calories and lift weights. Protein supplements add healthy carbs and calories along with protein.


Beta-alanine, to say simply, is an amino acid. It is useful for reducing fatigue and increasing exercise performance. Add to that, beta-alanine also help to increase muscle mass if accompanied with an exercise program. It lets you gain muscles within a quick span of time.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the most significant amino acids. They consist of three individual amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The use of BCAAs is directed to muscle growth as they make up about fourteen percent of the amino acids in your muscles. BCAAs are very popular bodybuilding supplements. They enhance muscle gain and reduce the loss of muscle mass.


Next on the list is the beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), a molecule that is produced when your body processes the amino acid leucine. HMB, you see, is responsible for bringing some of the beneficial effects of protein and leucine in the diet. It is very important for reducing the breakdown of muscle proteins. Although HMB is produced naturally by your body, but taking it as a supplement allows for higher levels as well as it may benefit your muscles.  Various studies have suggested that taking HMB per day can improve the gains in lean body mass from weight training. Thus it can be fairly concluded that HMB is highly effective, especially for those who are just getting started with exercise or willing to increase the intensity of their workouts.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021



The best multivitamins for bodybuilding are not best until taken on an appropriate time. Yes, timing has a special role in the effectiveness of multivitamins. Let us take a look, how.


Bodybuilding and multivitamins are closely connected. Where the former is about building a fit, lean physique, the latter keeps you healthy. Since, bodybuilders follow strenuous exercises and strict dieting, their nutrient constituency drops down. Hence comes the best multivitamins for bodybuilding that replenish your lost nutrients. Nutritionwellnesscare.com has got all of them at reasonable prices and all forms such as powders, liquids, and tablets.


The best multivitamins for bodybuilding result good when consumed as per the right schedule. Here is a note on the exact timings that every bodybuilder must follow:

-Breakfast is the ideal time for most of the people to have a nutritious meal, and it should be, after all the ‘we must eat like a king’. Hence, breakfast is the most convenient time to take a multivitamin supplement. An important point to note here is that multivitamins are best absorbed only if accompanied with fats and oils. So, if you are  not including significant amounts of fats or oils in your breakfast then you will not get the best absorption of vitamins.

In this context, a special emphasis is laid on vitamin D, A, E, and K. By nature, these vitamins are fat soluble. So, make sure when you take these multivitamins, pair them with fats and oil rich meal. Furthermore, consuming your multivitamin with a meal may also reduce stomach issues such as an upset stomach or nausea that one can incur with these supplements.

- Next point to remember while taking the best multivitamins for bodybuilding is to separate supplements providing large amounts of vitamins or minerals. Bodybuilders must be aware that multivitamins can compete with the generally smaller amounts of similar nutrients in your supplements. For instance, if you are taking a separate calcium supplement, then make sure the timings differ. Take calcium supplement at a different time of day than your multivitamin because the large dose of calcium will reduce absorption of minerals in your multivitamin. Hence, your body will not be able to absorb minerals like magnesiumiron, copper and zinc. Parallely, if you are taking a separate supplement with vitamin D, A, E, or K, then take it at a different time of day than your multivitamin for the reason that it will reduce absorption of other fat-soluble vitamins in your multivitamin.

Talking about B vitamins, which are numerous and extremely effective. Suppose that you are taking a separate supplement with vitamin B, especially with vitamin B12 then make sure to at least take it six hours apart from your multivitamin. The reason for this six hour difference is that you can only absorb a small amount (of B12 at a time, hence, consuming small amounts of B12 twice daily is an intelligent strategy. It will not only boost B-12 levels when needed but also lead to an enhanced absorption of the same.

-Also, be aware of the fact that the calcium and/or magnesium present in multivitamin supplements might interfere with the absorption of certain medications. These medications include antibioticsstatins, and thyroid hormones. Thus, it is better to take them at a different time of day than your daily multivitamin.


Tip I follow before visiting supplement shop near me

  In the United States, many adults and children use one or more vitamins or nutritional supplements. Minerals, herbs or other botanicals, a...